The Doyle

The Doyle

from $8,631.00

A solid Craftsman-looking round table for gathering is the centerpiece of any dining room. The framed-styled base lends itself to mid 19th century Arts and Craft architecture and bungalow style homes. And just like the Craftsman era, the importance of workmanship and true detail are paramount, just like for us when we hand make this table for you. When you are making that warm cup of hot chocolate or hosting that first meal cozy meal for two on your third date, this is the spot.

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Have any questions? Want to see how this will look in your space? 

Call 910.420.5711 (M-F) 9am-5pm EST

or email us at

The Elias

The Elias

from $12,868.00

Loblolly Dining Table

The Emmons

The Emmons

from $9,282.00
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The Bigelow

from $9,375.00
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Figley Dining Table
